
Religious Education Registration

Dear Parents,
Thank you for pursuing religious education classes for your child! It’s a great joy to help build the faith of young Catholics- disciples of Jesus Christ- and to support you in preparing them for the sacraments.

At Saint Thomas More Church, we take this sacred task to heart! Yet the religious education we provide at STM supplements your role as the primary educators of your child. The most positive and formative aspects of a child’s religious education occur at home as you bring the Faith into your family by participating in Sunday Mass each week, praying before meals, reading and discussing Bible stories, watching movies about the saints, and coaching one another to develop and listen to one’s conscience.

As parents, keeping our word, forgiving each other, taking responsibility, and serving one another generously show our children how we strive to imitate Jesus, His self-denial, and His sacrificial love for others. Through these habits, we can experience authentic freedom and share that joy with them.

Would you agree that heaven is the goal of our lives while on earth? If so then we do their eternal souls a disservice by allowing our children to be distracted from this primary goal, even by good things like school, exercise, and fun. If we do not demonstrate a desire to be in a relationship with God now, why would we want to be with Him forever in heaven?

For the 2023-2024 school-year, we will offer religious education classes for grades K-8 on Sunday mornings 8:45-10:10 a.m. from September 10 through May 5. This plan depends on having enough volunteers. Would you consider helping bring the Good News into the world in a very concrete way? We have many tools and resources to assist you!

To register your child/children please complete the online registration form to the left. If your child is registering for religious education classes for the first time, please use the First Time Registration form (all kindergarten students and any students in grades 1-8 who were not with us last year). Discounted registration fees are $100 for one child, $175 for two children, and $225 for three or more children. Registering after August 15 will result in a $25 increase per family. If you are facing a financial challenge, please contact me so that does not become an obstacle to your child’s spiritual journey.

We will also be implementing a dress code for classes. More details will be shared before classes begin. We believe this will help set expectations that will encourage the intentional participation of the children as they learn God’s ways.

Thank you for supporting your child as we walk toward eternity.

In Christ,
Kevin Damitz, MSW, LCSW
Director of Religious Education
1040 Flexer Avenue Allentown, PA 18103

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