Staff Directory
Staff Directory
Rev. John S. Pendzick, Pastor
Rev. Jojappa Adagatla, Assistant Pastor
Rev. Philip J. Maas, Assistant Pastor
Msgr. Pat Schoenauer, In Residence
Deacon James R. Duncan
Deacon Tom Shubella
Deacon James Toolan
Mrs. Janell Wagner, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Maggi Fink, Director of Advancement and Development
Mr. Kevin Damitz, Religious Education Director
Mr. Jared Rabold, Pastoral Ministry
Mrs. Natalie Pionegro, Director of Music & Liturgy
Mr. Frank Flandorffer, Director of Contemporary Choir
Mrs. Gwyn Baker, Family Center Manager
Ms. Allison Yudt, Youth Ministry
Mr. Richard V. Yudt, Director of Child Center
Mr. Jared Rabold., Director of Adult Faith Formation
TBA, Wee Worship Coord.
Mrs. Julie Testen & Mrs. Mary Louise Padolick, Parish Nurses
Ms. Cyndi Boucher-DeFulvio, More Bread Coordinator
Mrs. Lorraine Milunatis, Director of Extended Daycare
Pontifical Mission Societies In The United States
St. Thomas More
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, Pa 18103
Phone: 610-433-7413 Fax: 610-433-2308
Mr. Ed Liszka, Administrative Assistant for the Propagation of the Faith
and St. Peter the Apostle Fund
Mrs. Holly Benner, Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) Education Director for the Holy Childhood Association