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The Women’s Guild hopes that you enjoy and benefit from this amazing website!
Courtesy of the St. Thomas More Women’s Guild, MOST and the Knights of Columbus!
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Entertaining and wholesome movies, enlightening programs, inspiring talks, and a great selection of eBooks – available anytime and anywhere to help you grow in your faith as a true follower of Jesus Christ!
With FORMED, you can:
- Reflect upon the Sunday Mass readings by watching an insightful five-minute video by faithful and inspiring Catholic teachers
- Access the best Catholic studies from trusted providers like the Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, Catholic Answers, Sophia Institute Press, and St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
- Enjoy a movie with your family that is both nourishing and entertaining
- Enrich your marriage with the award-winning video series Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage
- Help your children grow in character and embrace the wonder of the faith, through many animated videos with will nourish their minds and their souls!