Jesus revealed the Gift of Himself in the Eucharist in the Gospel of John Chapter 6. The Church teaches that “The Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life'” (CCC #1324). If you hunger to receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and share in Holy Communion with Him, then pursue this Most Blessed Sacrament.
For those over 18 years of age please see the OCIA page. Typically children participate in classes for two years in 1st and 2nd grades through Saint Thomas More School or the Family Faith Formation program to prepare for this sacrament.
Weekend Mass:
5:00 pm in church
7:30 am in church
9:00 am in church
10:30 am in church
12 Noon in church
Holy Days
Please consult the bulletin Mass list for Holyday schedules as they occur.
Daily Mass:
Monday – Friday:
7:00 am in church
8:45 am in church
8:00 am in church