Family Faith Formation Calendar

Family Faith Formation

To complement the role of parents as the primary educators of their children, we offer Family Faith Formation. Through weekly Sunday Mass, monthly Family Gatherings, and prayer and activities at home we hope to support all family members grow in their relationship with God and His Church. Every pursuit flows from the best gift Jesus gave us- the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. 

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

O.C.I.A. provides an opportunity for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church and guides people to the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. The sessions run on Tuesday evenings from September to May. The group also meets at 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays from November through Palm Sunday. A committed team of volunteers supports growth in the Christian community through prayer, Scripture, study, and witness.

Vacation Bible School

This faith-filled and fun program has been offered by dedicated volunteers throughout the history of the parish. Since 2003 a team of about a dozen parents have come together to offer a week-long program for children entering kindergarten through sixth grade. The program provides seven Bible-based activity stations from 9:00 noon each day. Volunteers entering seventh grade and older help make the experience a success.

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