Lenten Schedules & Obligations

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On behalf of all the priests, deacons, sisters, and the parishioners of Saint Thomas More Parish, I welcome you as part of our family. You will soon begin to experience, if you have not seen already, the great faith, love, and hospitality of this community. I am sure that your presence among us will contribute greatly into building up this parish.

As you view the Parish Information page, you will find the numerous groups, ministries, and programs that we are blessed to have here at Saint Thomas More. They are diverse from Youth Ministry to the Prime Time Club, from the Women’s Guild to the Men of Saint Thomas More, and so many more wonderful organizations. There are also many programs designed to enrich your spiritual lives. We ask you to consider growing in your knowledge and love of the Lord. Each of us has a role to play in extending the Body of Christ to others. Our parish community desires your time and talent in these endeavors.

Fr. Pendzick, Pastor

Fellowship Groups

Knights of Columbus

Grow in Faith

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