Inspiration from Dynamic Catholic
Happy New Year! Are you ready for a new beginning?
In the Bible, we read epic tales of the incredible ways that God transformed people and their lives: Moses, Noah, Jonah, Jeremiah, David, Joseph, Mary, Peter, James, Matthew, Zacchaeus, Paul, Lydia, Mary Magdalene, the woman at the well, and so many others whose names we don’t know. Why not you and me? Why not now?
God is always waiting on us. Sometimes we may think we are waiting for him, but that is never true. What’s happening in your life right now? What’s not working in your life? What great question are you grappling with in your heart? Do you need a fresh start?
This month, we wanted to highlight a few of our life-changing resources that will jumpstart your new beginning in 2025. We encourage you to share these resources with your parish community!
1. Start your daily journey with the saints. Get a deeply personal reflection on an inspiring saint every day of the year—along with a question that applies directly to your daily life. Are you ready to walk with the greatest men and women who ever lived? Click HERE.
2. Experience the Wisdom of the Gospels.  The teachings of Jesus are as radical and relevant today as they were 2,000 years ago. Join Matthew Kelly as he reflects on the simple, life-changing wisdom in the daily Gospel. Click HERE to watch today’s reflection!
3. Prepare for Mass like never before by exploring the daily Mass readings.  These simply formatted daily readings will change the way you prepare for Mass and help you hear the voice of God with startling clarity. Click HERE to read today’s Mass readings!
4. Start a small group at your parish. Ever wanted to start a small group, but weren’t sure where to start? We have you covered! Dynamic Catholic provides over a dozen FREE study guides that will help you dive deeper into essential Catholic books! Click HERE to explore your options.
5. Transform your entire parish community in 2025 by offering a WELCOME retreat.  Most of the people you see every day feel like something is missing in their lives. Welcome is an incredible experience that helps them discover what that something is—and what to do about it. It’s run by parishioners for parishioners, and it’s re-energizing parishes across the country. Click HERE to learn more.