More Bread Program
More Bread Program

What is it?
- The More Bread Program is a parish-wide fundraiser which benefits St. Thomas More School
- “More Bread” is gift cards and certificates for various grocery stores, restaurants, and retail stores
Who can participate?
ALL St. Thomas More Parishioners
Why should you participate?
- More Bread profits benefit the school by reducing tuition for all students who attend
- Parishioners who participate will receive 60% of the rebate earned on purchases made from May 1st through April 30th (Checks will be issued in late May / early June and must be for a minimum of $25) Rebates vary from store to store.
- You may designate a school family to receive your rebate credits or you may donate your rebates to the STM Scholarship Fund.
- There is no extra cost for you. Cards/certificates are dollar for dollar
- There is no limit as to how much you can purchase or earn
How & Where?
- A program agreement must be signed annually.
- Use the On-Hand order sheet
- Payments accepted are checks and cash only
Cards and certificates may be purchased:
- After weekend masses (excluding holidays)
- Rectory/Parish Center – Monday through Friday from 9 am – 4 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am-1 pm
- School Main Office – 9 am to 2 pm when school is in session.
- Online through RaiseRight
If you have any questions about More Bread, please contact
Cyndi Boucher-DeFulvio – Program Coordinator at 610-657-6808 or
Parent Advocates – Jessica Zambelli 610-308-5967 & Kristen Borkowski 610-504-5013.