Religious Education
Adult Formation
Biblical Studies
Fellowship Groups
Liturgical Ministries
Prayer Groups
Support Groups & Programs
Youth Ministries
Youth Activities:

CYO Sports
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts


Anointing of the Sick
Those who are seriously ill or being admitted to the hospital should receive this healing Sacrament. Please call the Parish Center at 610-433-7413 if you are in need of this sacrament.

Baptisms are celebrated following the 12:00 pm Mass every Sunday. To schedule a baptism, please contact Jared Rabold at 610-841-3513. A baptism must be scheduled at least one (1) month prior to the baptism date. Parents not registered with the parish must do so before scheduling the baptism.

Parents of a child scheduled for baptism are required to attend a baptismal prep class beforehand. Classes are held every third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Disciples’ Room, which is located in the back of the church on the school side.

For more information regarding baptisms, please visit our website at baptism/.

Make arrangements at the Parish Center, 610-433-7413, six (6) months in advance by speaking to a priest. Currently dated copies of Baptismal and Confirmation records are required.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.)
O.C.I.A. provides an opportunity for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church and guides people to the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The sessions run on Tuesday evenings from September to May. The group also meets at 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays from December through Palm Sunday.

A committed team of volunteers supports growth in the Christian community through prayer, Scripture, study, and witness. Contact Kevin Damitz at 610-437-3491.

Family Faith Formation

Family Faith Formation
To complement the role of parents as the primary educators of their children, we offer Family Faith Formation for those with children in grades K-8 attending public or private school to help children become disciples of Christ and prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Through weekly Sunday Mass, monthly Family Gatherings, prayer, and activities at home, we hope to support all family members’ growth in their relationship with God and His Church. Every pursuit flows from the best gift Jesus gave us- the gift of Himself in the Eucharist.

For more information, please visit https://stmchurchallentown.

Vacation Bible School
This faith-filled and fun program has been offered by dedicated volunteers throughout the history of the parish. Since 2003, a team of about a dozen parents have come together to offer a week-long program for children entering Kindergarten through sixth grade. Volunteers entering seventh grade and older provide seven Bible-based activity stations from 9:00 a.m. to noon each day.

Parish Council

The STM Parish Council was re-established in the spring of 2021. Our core mission is to work with the Pastor to build a vibrant parish community, centered in Christ. We do this by connecting everyone in our parish, providing feedback and counsel to our Pastor, improving communication across the parish, fostering a rich spiritual parish life, and ensuring the continuity of various parish organizations and ministries. The committee consists of 7 lay members: 4 are elected from the parish at large, and 3 are appointed by the pastor. Terms are 3 years and can be renewed for a second term of 3 years.
Caitlin Schutte, Parish Council Chair 484-390-2138

Adult Formation

Retreat and Workshops
Enriching days throughout the year that seek to inspire and renew
one’s faith through talks, discussion, and prayer.
Jared Rabold –

Parish Vocations Committee
The St. Thomas More Parish Vocations Committee seeks to foster, promote, and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. New members are welcome. Eucharistic Adoration is observed on the First Friday of each month after the 8:45 am Mass until 4:00 pm in the chapel. At 3:00 pm, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Rosary are prayed, followed by Benediction.
Mark Roth –

Fall/Spring Lecture Series
Topical lecture series that delves into relevant issues regarding faith, doctrine, and history. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Disciples’ Room.
Jared Rabold –

Biblical Studies

Daily Cup Bible Study
A women’s Bible study and fellowship group in which women of all ages gather to learn and grow together in our Catholic faith through fellowship and studying God’s word.
Clara DeGale –

Men’s Morning Bible Study
An early morning fellowship that brings men together around God’s word. Meetings are held every Friday at 6:45 a.m. in the Disciples Room from September to June.
Herb Klotz –
Kevin O’Connell –

Thursday Morning Bible Study
An insightful time of study and discussion focused on a particular book of the Bible, held Thursdays from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., in the Disciples’ Room.
Fr. Joji Adagatla –

Fellowship Groups

Knights of Columbus
An international Catholic men’s organization that seeks to promote the faith, family, fraternity, and service.

Men Of St. Thomas (M.O.S.T.
A men’s group that fosters the spiritual, physical, and intellectual development of men. M.O.S.T. cooks and serves the parish breakfast in the Fall and Winter months. M.O.S.T. also cooks and serves a Spaghetti Dinner on the last Sunday of February. All money raised by these activities is donated based on the advice of the Pastor.
Frank Berry –

Prime Time
Folks 55 and over “having the time of their lives”.
Marianne Sundbye – 610-841-8628

Meals for Moms
Meals for Moms is a meal ministry for new moms and their families who have recently welcomed a new baby. Our goal is to provide support and a feeling of community, and act as a resource to help welcome the new baby into the Parish, through a group of volunteer meal-makers.
Alexa Guman –

Women’s Guild
The St. Thomas More Women’s Guild’s mission is to bring together women of all ages from the parish to serve our church, school, and community. Through its membership, the Women’s Guild acts to support women of Catholic faith in leadership, service, and spirituality to come together and use their talents to assist the congregation in various ways.
Jaclyn McNealis, President –

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers, Cantors, Catechists, Choirs, Lectors
Opportunities to use your gifts and talents in service of our Lord at our parish liturgies.
Natalie Pionegro –

Contemporary Choir
Frank Flandorffer –

Eucharistic Ministers
Natalie Pionegro (Church) –
Jared Rabold (Home Visits) –

Bill Quaglio –

Prayer Groups

Divine Mercy Cenacle
A prayer group devoted to answering the church’s special call to prayer. Meets twice monthly on Tuesdays in the church Library. The Divine Mercy Chaplain for both Cenacles is Deacon Tom Shubella.

Mornings 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Marie Yardley –
Evenings 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Deacon Tom Shubella –
Kate White

The Flame of Love (FOL) Cenacle
A transformative gift from heaven of abundant graces is given by God the Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for all of humanity. The FOL is mercy for this dark time and brings us into greater union with Jesus Christ. Through our cooperation with this powerful gift, a torrent of grace that has never been granted since the Word became flesh will become a united force to blind Satan. This aligns with Our Lady’s mission, to save souls, protect priests and families, and to renew the face of the earth. FOL meets every Tuesday in the Chapel after the 8:45 am Mass.
Mary Hartnett –

In-House Prayer Retreat Series
Extraordinary prayer journeys throughout the year that utilize the popular book series by Michael Gaitley, MIC.
Christine Adelizzi –

First Saturday Devotion
Please join us after 8 am Mass on the first Saturday of each month to pray the Rosary and spend 15 minutes meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary. Adoration is held during the Rosary, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. The Saturday Devotion is a special request made by Our Lady to the Children of Fatima to bring peace to the world.
Christine Adelizzi –

Marian Prayer Group
Members pray from home, call for more information.
Joan Yoder – 610-776-1422

Respect Life
As Catholics, we witness to the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death. We advocate respect for human life within our parish, our community and our country as we work together with established ministries to build a culture of life and proclaim the Gospel of love.
Pat Bertola –
Jim Toolan –

Support Groups & Programs

Bereavement Support Group
Over the past several years, our parish has offered a Bereavement Support Group Program each Fall and Spring.

Through a 3-part process, participants are led toward becoming reconciled with and transformed by their bereavement experience. This process includes participants:

  • Reflecting on and sharing their experiences of grieving with other parishioners who have recently lost a loved one
  • Sharing their insights as they are reading through our book “Understanding Your Grief” written by Alan Wolfelt, Founder of the Center for Loss and Transition, Fort Collins, Colorado, and author or several fine books on grieving
  • Growing spiritually as they are invited into and assisted in practicing their own personal prayer life.

Jerry Herauf, MA, MDiv, Facilitator 484-894-4148

Rock a Bye Angel
A loving outreach that provides faith-centered support to parishioners who have lost a child in pregnancy or neonatal infancy.
Jared Rabold –

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry at STM
The St. Vincent de Paul Ministry serves the poor and those in immediate need of help, including food, rent, utility assistance, and other support. We are grounded in spirituality as we serve others. Get involved by emailing Deacon Jim Duncan.
Deacon Jim Duncan –

Volunteering Ministries
Contact: Jared Rabold –

• Meals Ministry
• Nursing Home Rosary
• Prayer Shawl

Food Bank Collection
Contact: Bob Fischer –
Intercessory Prayer
Contact: Adele Clemmer – 610-439-8179 –

Our Lady’s Helpers
Our Lady’s Helpers is a newly formed Catholic pregnancy care and education organization whose mission is to provide each pregnant, abortion-minded woman the possibility to see her baby on an ultrasound machine while in Our Lady’s Helpers mobile unit. Our hope is to assist each mother to choose life for her baby in that crucial moment.

Youth Ministries

Children’s Rosary (Armata Bianca)
First Fridays at 3:15 PM in the Church during the school year. In the event of a half day of school on the first Friday, the Rosary will be held on the second Friday.
Jennifer Blackledge – 484-225-3354

Youth Ministry
The mission of the STM Youth Group is to foster the moral and spiritual growth of each high school student in St. Thomas More Parish and to educate and inspire young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today, specifically here in our own parish community. We attend Mass as a group regularly and participate in fellowship and service event
Allie Yudt –

Youth Activities

C.Y.O. Sports

Cross Country (Co-Ed, K – 8)
Volleyball (Girls, 5 – 8)
Little Raiders Volleyball (Co-Ed, 3 – 4)

Basketball (Girls and Boys, 3 – 8)
Little Raiders Skills & Drills Basketball (Co-Ed, 1 & 2)
HS Basketball (Boys, 9 – 12)

Track & Field (Co-Ed, K – 8)
Volleyball (Co-Ed, 5 – 8)
Little Raiders Lacrosse (Co-Ed, 1 & 2)

Little Raiders Kickball (Co-Ed, K – 2)

Lori Deutsch –
STM Sports Committee –

STM Soccer Club (Boys & Girls)

Shawn Marie Hursh –

Girl Scouts – Lisa Cipoletti –
Boy Scouts – Steve Borkowski –
Cub Scouts – Jesse Albeck –


On behalf of all the priests, deacons, sisters, and parishioners of Saint Thomas More Parish, I welcome you as part of our family. You will soon begin to experience, if you have not seen already, the great faith, love, and hospitality of this community. I am sure that your presence among us will contribute greatly to building up this parish.

As you read through this directory, you will find the numerous groups, ministries, and programs that we are blessed to have here at Saint Thomas More. They are diverse, from Youth Ministry to the Prime Time Club, from the Women’s Guild to the Men of Saint Thomas More, and so many more wonderful organizations. There are also many programs designed to enrich your spiritual lives. We ask you to consider growing in your knowledge and love of the Lord. Each of us has a role to play in extending the Body of Christ to others. Our parish community desires your time and talent in these endeavors.

We invite you to accept the opportunity to give your all to Christ so that you might give Christ to all. May God bless you and your family!

Thanks for being part of our parish. We need you, and we welcome you. If we can ever assist you, do not hesitate to call. As an extension of Christ’s ministry, we strive to be His servants to you.

Saint Thomas More

“I am the King’s good servant, but God’s first.”
After a thorough grounding in religion and the classics, Saint Thomas More entered Oxford to study law. After the university, he embarked on a legal career which took him to Parliament.

In 1505, he married Jane Colt, who bore him four children, and when she died at a young age, he married a widow, Alice Middleton, to be a mother for his young children.

This learned man numbered bishops and scholars among his friends, and by 1516, he wrote his famous book “Utopia.” He attracted the attention of Henry VIII, who appointed him to a succession of high posts and finally made him Lord Chancellor in 1529. However, he resigned in 1532, at the height of his career and reputation, when Henry persisted in holding his own opinions regarding marriage and the supremacy of the Pope. The rest of his life was spent in writing, mostly in defense of the Church.

In 1534, with his close friend, Saint John Fisher, he refused to render
allegiance to the King as the Head of the Church of England and was confined to the Tower. Fifteen months later, and nine days after Fisher’s execution, he was tried and convicted of treason. He told the court that he could not go against his conscience. On the scaffold, he told the crowd of spectators that he was dying as “the King’s good servant- but God’s first.” He was beheaded on July 6, 1535. His feast day is June 22nd.