Respect Life – Pillar #1 Prayer

Monthly Pilgrimage: Helpers of God’s Precious Infants
A solemn procession to pray the Rosary outside the abortion clinic in Bethlehem. People throughout the Diocese participate.
Schedule: Every 2nd Saturday of the month.
8:00 am Mass: Notre Dame Church, 1861 Catesauqua Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18018
8:30am: Vehicle procession to 31 S. Commerce Way, Bethlehem, PA 18017
8:45am: Rosary outside Allentown Women’s Clinic
Prayer Vigils outside Planned Parenthood: 40 Days for Life
Many a heart has softened, many a life has been saved as a result of the peaceful, prayerful presence of advocates outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Allentown.
During the twice-yearly 40 Days for Life Campaigns, “prayer teams” intercede for unborn children, their moms, and abortion workers in 1-hour shifts. We share life-saving alternatives and resources with any women who seeks help. But our main purpose is to pray for change of hearts and stand as witnesses to the dignity of the unborn. Former abortion workers testify that no-show rates for abortion appointments are as high as 75% during the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigils
40 Days for Life Campaigns in 2023:
Lent/Spring Campaign: February 22 – April 2, 2023
Fall Campaign: September 26 – November 5, 2023
Mondays: St. Thomas More prayer teams cover one-hour shifts on Mondays.
Tuesdays-Saturdays: Hours are available with other church prayer teams.
Join a 40 DAYS FOR LIFE prayer team!