Respect Life – Pillar #4 Public Policy

Vote ProLIFE!
- Actively support the political candidates who defend LIFE and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Know where candidates stand and how they have voted in the past.
- Help distribute Pro-Life Voter’s Guides in advance of elections.
- Provide help at polling locations on election days.
- Find reliable voter information at these sources:
Pennsylvania Pro-Life
Pennsylvanians for Human Life
Pennsylvania Family Institute; Search Personal Voter Guide

Annual 1-Day Pilgrimage (late January)
The March for Life is the largest, annual social demonstration in the entire world. No other cause, in no other country, brings together such a massive group of people on a yearly basis. On the anniversary of the tragic 1973 Roe v Wade decision, this inspiring and joy-filled event gives witness to the sanctity of life in an enormous way. Roundtrip transportation from St. Thomas More via charter coach allows STM parishioners to participate together in this prayerful pilgrimage.
See Upcoming Events and Calendar section for STM upcoming dates/details.

MARCH FOR LIFE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
State lawmakers face increasing pressure to pass laws hostile to life and freedom of conscience. For example; taxpayer funding for abortion, late-term abortion up to birth, physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, and removal of conscience protections for health care workers and religious institutions. This peaceful rally and walk shows our support for our elected lawmakers who defend life and religious liberty.
See Upcoming Events and Calendar section for STM upcoming dates/details.